Промоутерская компания "Elite-boxing"


Fight W TKO 4 (12)
Boxers Грузия [13-1-2, 9]
Латвия [14-10-0, 9]
Weight division Middleweight (160 lbs)
Tournament Master of Europe
Date 23 March 2008, Sun
Location Украина Украина, Dnipropetrovsk, Meteor Sport Palace
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News of fight Fight W TKO 4 (12)

Baysangurov stops Dzuman!24 Mar 2008 » 01:43
Baysangurov stops Dzuman! Ukrainian-based Russian Baysangurov, WBC #8, IBF #8 and WBA #11, looked a little bit rusty in opening rounds trying to throw jabs rather than power punches. Oppositely, Dzuman did his best to affect champion with his most telling blows. In round two, challenger rocked Zaurbek with the strong uppercut only to be clocked by the same punch moments later. Baysangurov’s punches clearly became stiffer and more frequent down the stretch read more ...


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