Ïðîìîóòåðñêàÿ êîìïàíèÿ "Elite-boxing"


Fight W UD 8 (8)
Boxers Ãðóçèÿ [10-10-2, 5]
Óêðàèíà [4-12-0, 2]
Weight division Welterweight (147 lbs)
Tournament Champions Summer
Date 18 July 2009, Sat
Location Óêðàèíà Óêðàèíà, Odesa, Sport Palace
Other fights of this evening Fight W RTD 5 (12)
Fight W TKO 1 (10)
Fight W TKO 7 (8)
Fight W TKO 1 (4)
Fight W TKO 2 (6)
Fight W TKO 3 (6)
Fight W SD 4 (4)
Fight W RTD 1 (4)

News of fight Fight W UD 8 (8)

Bursak injured, off «Champions’ Summer» in Odessa 15 Jul 2009 » 13:26
Bursak injured, off «Champions’ Summer» in Odessa Middleweight prospect Maksim «The Tormentor» Bursak (18-0-1, 7 KOs) who fights under banner of «K2 East Promotions» was badly cut during one of his last sparring sessions before an eight-round clash against Olegs «Viking» Fedotovs (10-6, 6 KOs) from Riga, Latvia. Both were expected to fight on the undercard of a big boxing tournament billed «Champions’ Summer» in Odessa on July 18th. Bursak vs. Fedotovs fight has been cancelled unfortunately read more ...


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