Промоутерская компания "Elite-boxing"


Fight W UD 12 (12)
Boxers Украина [18-0-0, 9]
Франция [25-2-1, 13]
Referee cards 117-111, 118-110, 117-111
Weight division Super Lightweight (140 lbs)
Tournament in Sport Life IV
Date 27 June 2012, Wed
Location Украина Украина, Kyiv, Sport Life Club
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News of fight Fight W UD 12 (12)

Victor Postol, Dmitry Kucher Win in Kiev27 Jun 2012 » 19:26
Victor Postol, Dmitry Kucher Win in Kiev In the main event, hard-hitting cruiserweight Dmytro Kucher (17-0, 13 KOs) looked sensational against lanky Argentinean Cesar David Crenz (20-6, 13 KOs), while acquiring a vacant WBC International Silver 200lb belt. Kucher brought his foe down to the canvas in the first and finished him off at 1:17 of the third round with a brutal barrage of punches read more ...
Dmytro Kucher and Victor Postol To Defend on June 2711 Jun 2012 » 10:23
Dmytro Kucher and Victor Postol To Defend on June 27 Two undefeated Ukrainian prospects are looking to extend their winning streaks on June 27 at the «Sport Life» nightclub in Kiev. Both of them, cruiserweight Dmytro Kucher (16-0, 12 KOs) and light welterweight stylist Victor Postol (18-0, 9 KOs), will collide with rather dangerous opponents in bids for the WBC International Silver titles in their respective divisions. The show is organized by Elite Boxing Promotions read more ...


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